Alternative Element Trees streamline data management by organizing attributes into clear hierarchies, improving data quality identification and maintenance efficiency. Their tree view layout provides users with better visibility and control, enhancing data accuracy and handling.

Enhanced Hierarchies for Superior Quality and Control

Alternative Element Trees offer a sophisticated approach to data management by enabling the creation of distinct hierarchies through attribute grouping. This functionality facilitates easier identification of data quality issues and expedites maintenance tasks. Presenting data in a separate, organized tree view empowers users with enhanced visibility and control over their data structures, leading to more efficient and accurate data handling.

Revolutionize Data Handling with Multi-Dimensional Organization

Redefine data organization with unparalleled flexibility and precision. This feature allows users to group and structure data based on technical attributes, enabling a tailored approach to data handling. With the capability to organize data in multiple classification hierarchies, it caters to diverse organizational needs and enhances catalog management for specific output channels. Ideal for managing product variants, such as sorting items by color or size, it provides a comprehensive overview, simplifying complex data sets. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in data governance, ensuring consistency and accuracy across all data points.

Enhancing Data Interaction with Advanced Tree Structures

Alternative Element Trees enable dynamic data interaction, allowing custom tree structures based on object attributes for varied analysis. Manage data effortlessly with direct operations like opening, renaming, and copying from the tree view, with access control for specific roles. The intuitive interface supports manageable groupings in grid view and drag-and-drop data manipulation. Efficiently reposition objects within the tree, with auto-updates for maintenance. Clone, export, or import configurations for simplified setup and use special adapters to expand grouping data types, ensuring a flexible, customizable management solution.